Go where the wind blows with Xufeng!

"There are always one or two winds on earth to fill my hundred thousand and eighty thousand dreams", in this hot June, Xufeng invites you to go to a romance of wind and snow - a date with "wind"!

    "The wind at the lower pass, the flowers at the upper pass, the snow on the Cangshan Mountain, the moon on the Erhai Sea". Yes, this is the "windy place"-Yunnan.

     A place with the splendor of four seasons like spring and the romance of wind, flower, snow and moon. The simple Dali Old Town and Lijiang Old Town, the beautiful Nanzhao Island and the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain are the holy land of tourism that countless travelers aspire to, but also our "poems and faraway places", so!

Yunnan, here we come~~


We sang and laughed along the way and had a lot of fun

The mood was as sunny as the weather that day.

When we landed in Kunming

We couldn't wait to find all kinds of food and beautiful scenery that existed in our

We could not wait to look for the various food and beautiful scenery that existed in our friends' circles!

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We boarded the train to Dali.

We are full of anticipation

Ready to see the beauty of the Cangshan Mountains and Erhai Sea

To see the vicissitudes of the ancient Nanzhao dynasty.


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Little Putuo. It's a very small island.

Even though it's small, there are people everywhere.

People are working hard to restore Little Putuo

Or their own true beauty.


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Nanzhao Island

One of the three islands in the Erhai Sea

Concentrated thousands of years of Dali's cultural heritage

The wind of the Erhai Sea is blowing gently

We boarded the island by boat

We can see the beauty of the island.


The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple is a landmark of Dali.

It is a collection of Cang'er scenery, cultural relics and monuments,

Buddhist culture, leisure and vacation as one of the

National 5A level tourist attractions

The tour guide described the three pagodas

Describing the legend of the three pagodas.

Make the original mysterious color of the temple

More hazy up

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The morning's incessant rain has turned the entire ropeway into a whiteout.

The whole ropeway became white.

The fear of heights is reduced by half.

"The big chessboard" and "small waterfall" in the rain.

Everything is foggy.

It's like a fairyland.


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Dali Ancient City referred to as Yeyu

Also known as the Purple City

The scene of "three families with a well, one family with a few potted flowers" still exists.

Nowadays, it's half fireworks, half mood

With umbrellas in our hands and feet slowly

Walking in the streets and alleys of the old city

Feeling the atmosphere of life in the old city

It's so cozy!

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Go to the ancient town

Experience the wonders of a piece of cloth, a few stitches and a dye pot

Under professional guidance

The little ones unraveled the cloth they tied

Watching the cloth show

All kinds of beautiful patterns

They all marveled in unison at the

The magic of tie-dye technique

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The sea and the sky are so colorful and the environment is so serene

The road winds along the Erhai Sea.

At Panxi Village

Forms a nice S-bay

Everyone left beautiful pictures here.


Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, with an altitude of 4,680 meters.

A configuration that would match this number would be

Oxygen tanks, big cotton suits

and the perseverance to summit the last few hundred meters

and excellent physical fitness!

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Living at low altitude for years

Insufficient oxygen supply produces plateau reaction

Standing on top of a mountain

The clouds roll and roll under your feet

The holiness and majesty of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

In an instant, all of them come ......


On one side are the snow-capped mountains that have stood for thousands of years

On the other hand, there is the spruce ping where cows and horses roam.

As far as the eye can see, the scenery is so colorful and distinctive

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When we came to Lijiang, we were looking forward to "Impression Lijiang".

The live show is set against the backdrop of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

The local folklore and customs of the Naxi people form the scene of the show.

The theater is located at an altitude of 3100 meters in the embrace of the snowy mountains

Surrounded by alpine meadows and misty clouds

Takes us to a

Snowy Plateau where heaven and man are one in the same


The five-day, four-night trip to Yunnan has come to an end.

Partners in this beautiful Ruizhe land to appreciate the exotic flowers

Feel the primitive ecology and ethnic charm

Taste the specialty food

In the relaxation and baptism of body and mind

Harvested full of positive energy

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After the trip, I always wonder how big the world is.

The wind in the distance and the sunshine through the windows.

The endless sea and the endless mountains.

The blue sky and the white clouds.

The customs and customs of other places are worth seeing.

And all this goodness requires our efforts.

May we all arrive at the place we want to go after our efforts.

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